Oh, wait, here it is. Never mind.
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#1 by Nathan Shumate on October 4, 2007 - 7:22 pm
No, that’s the first one again that you set down to look for the second one. The second one’s still missing.
#2 by Ken Begg on October 5, 2007 - 7:42 am
#3 by Blake Matthews on October 5, 2007 - 8:15 am
ha ha ha ha HA ha!
#4 by Ken Begg on October 5, 2007 - 8:28 am
You sir, will lose someday lose a sock too, and may your mockery be repayed seven-fold!
Anyway, I think I found it, and…CRAP! It’s a different sock! Where’s the mate to this one now?!
#5 by Blake Matthews on October 5, 2007 - 8:52 am
HA! I don’t lose socks…I simply wear large holes into them, rendering them unusable, except to protect my feet from the cold during the winter months.
#6 by Nathan on October 5, 2007 - 10:36 am
And I really don’t think “New Reviews” is the proper category for this one…
#7 by Ken Begg on October 5, 2007 - 10:43 am
I know, I tried “Hoopla” (the closest thing to a non-specific catagory), but it went awry somehow.
I may have been distracted what with the, you know, sock-hunting.
#8 by Nathan Shumate on October 5, 2007 - 11:32 am
There. Corrected.
#9 by Ken Begg on October 5, 2007 - 12:18 pm
Ahhhh, perfect.
Seriously, though, can’t somebody find my other $@(*&~#@ sock?
#10 by El Santo on October 5, 2007 - 1:39 pm
Um… Is anyone else as confused by the purpose of this post as I am?
#11 by Blake Matthews on October 5, 2007 - 1:45 pm
Just go along with Ken’s sense of whimsy…that’s what I’m doing.
#12 by Braineater on October 5, 2007 - 1:50 pm
Single socks usually crawl under a couch cushion to die. Pressure from people sitting on them causes them to harden into quarters. Quarters then decompose into two dimes… then into three nickels… then into four pennies. Finally they fall apart and become dust-bunnies.
This is why I never clean the living room. My wife calls it poor housekeeping. I call it respect for the deceased.
#13 by Ken Begg on October 5, 2007 - 2:00 pm
Finally, somebody who has something *useful* to say on the matter. Thanks, BE.
#14 by John Doe on October 5, 2007 - 6:42 pm
you could always ask Sherlock Holmes. http://www.webcomicsnation.com/justinpie/wonderella/series.php?view=archive&chapter=22202
#15 by Matthew Fudge on October 7, 2007 - 10:56 am
I’ve got it.
#16 by Ken Begg on October 7, 2007 - 3:16 pm
#17 by Blake Matthews on October 7, 2007 - 3:32 pm
Should’ve known better than to trust an Englishman. They’re crookeder than barrel full of snakes. (a kewpie doll to whoever can tell me what film that last one came from) 😉
#18 by Matthew Fudge on October 8, 2007 - 3:13 am
I’ve got to say that the bids on Ebay arent exactly piling up.