Sadly, the suit is the best part.

Posted on May 31, 2008
Rubber Soul


Octaman (1971)

All he really wanted was his blue bucket.

Categories: New Reviews

10 Responses

  1. The Rev. D.D.:

    I haven’t seen this since the first time I saw it, back in high school on a damaged old VHS copy I rented from some video store. And I haven’t bothered to hunt it down since. Considering my love of monster movies, this is really saying something. The fun of the monster is drowned under a flood of boring, chatty people scenes that don’t make any friggin’ sense.
    Nice to see a new review from you! Don’t make us wait another month or two for your next one, if you can.

    31.05.2008 23:13 Reply

  2. El Santo:

    “he’s also accompanied by a sound effect that’s a little like someone imitating a heartbeat on a didgeridoo”
    Well, crap. Now I have to see this movie.

    01.06.2008 17:56 Reply

  3. lyzard:

    You mean you haven’t!?

    What *I* love is when these types of characters use the phrase “almost human intelligence”, and it’s supposed to be a compliment.

    01.06.2008 18:45 Reply

  4. Ken Begg:

    Ha, I’m sorta legal again! On the other hand, this ruins my planned lawsuit against the rest of the Cabal for discriminating against lazy morons who just don’t this whole ‘internets’ thing.

    01.06.2008 20:56 Reply

  5. lyzard:

    [Bart Simpson] “Where’s my octopus!? Where’s my octopus!?” [/Bart Simpson]
    [Kent Brockman] “And isn’t that what we’re all saying?” [/Kent Brockman]

    01.06.2008 20:59 Reply

  6. lyzard:

    By the way, Will, I’m thoroughly ashamed to admit that I laughed myself sick for about ten minutes when I saw the BUKKET.

    01.06.2008 21:01 Reply

  7. Ed:

    Nice job as always, Will. I think you might have put more thought into the review than was put into the entire movie.

    03.06.2008 00:20 Reply

  8. El Santo:

    He frequently does…

    03.06.2008 07:18 Reply

  9. Ed:


    03.06.2008 09:07 Reply

  10. Zack:

    Isn’t that the mantra of the whole Cabal, though?

    05.06.2008 08:58 Reply

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