All day long I'd biddy biddy bum, indeed…

Posted on March 6, 2009

I hope you’ve all been saving your pennies. This weekend in Dallas, an extraordinary collection of horror movie memorabilia will be auctioned, including an original one-sheet for the Lon Chaney version of The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, an Argentinian poster for London After Midnight, and the jewel in the crown, an original one-sheet for Dracula that was obviously produced before the film was completed and released, as it features a scene aboard the Demeter. There is a serious chance that the standing record for a poster sale, US$443,000 for an original one-sheet for The Mummy, will be broken: the opening bid for the Dracula poster stands at US$100,000. The London After Midnight poster, conversely, starts at a mere US$17,500.

What global economic crisis?

The same auction also carries a series of posters for Mickey Mouse cartoons (including one for The Mad Doctor that I really want), an insert for Freaks (speaking of great taglines: Can a full-grown woman really love a midget – ? Classy, MGM, classy), and a lobby card set for Mad Love. Oh, and there’s also an original one-sheet for Citizen Kane, but who cares about that, right?

[Edited to add: ooh, and an original poster for The Adventures Of Robin Hood, at just US$7,500. Want!]

draculademeterb  hunchbackb  londonaftermidnightb

Categories: New Reviews

5 Responses

  1. The Rev. D.D.:

    Wire the money and hit me with a location, and I’ll go try and win it for you… 🙂

    06.03.2009 20:54 Reply

  2. lyzard:

    But time’s so short – why don’t you buy it for me and I’ll pay you back?

    06.03.2009 22:47 Reply

  3. Lon Chaney:

    Why am I always so underrated?

    And why DIDN’T you post the auction site???

    07.03.2009 14:54 Reply

  4. The Rev. D.D.:

    If I had that kind of money to toss around I’d be buying it for myself…

    07.03.2009 16:44 Reply

  5. lyzard:

    To belatedly answer Lon’s question, because I received this info in a piecemeal e-mail, and posted it likewise. Again likewise, I can now report that, as always, Boris beat out Bela: the Dracula poster sold for US$310,700, so the record price for The Mummy still stands. Somewhat surprisingly, the other big winner was the insert for Freaks, which went for US$107, 550. The two Chaneys sold for US$50,787.50 and US$41,825 – sorry, Lon! Meanwhile, the poster for The Adventures Of Robin Hood that I was coveting sold for US$11,325.50. (Hey, I could have afforded that, provided I was willing to give up…well, everything.)

    22.03.2009 22:23 Reply

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