Ta-dah! The unveiling:
Tachyon City Retro-Futuristic Cinema offers movies which have fallen out of distribution since their initial release on VHS (or in some cases, without even that distribution). For years, movies like this were fodder for bootleggers, who offered dubs or DVD-Rs for outrageous sums. But now, you can download these movies for free!
The initial offering includes Mind Warp (1990), The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978), Attack of the Beast Creatures (1985), Moontrap (1989), Untamed Women (1952), and more! New titles will be added at least one per week!
Did I mention that it’s FREE?
#1 by alex on May 19, 2009 - 5:11 am
awesome! thank you!
#2 by Cabal on May 19, 2009 - 10:58 am
I’m having the vapors! No, I really am!
Darn, I gotta buy myself a bigger hard-drive…
#3 by Anrkist on May 19, 2009 - 11:36 am
Cool, but it might be nice to have a torrent link there. I know some of these are floating about. Just a suggestion =]
#4 by Onion on May 19, 2009 - 8:13 pm
Personally I greatly prefer rapidshare and megaupload. The files are always there and the download process is much more reliable. While torrents can get you some pretty rare and random things you’re completely at the mercy of seeders to be able to download the file yourself.
#5 by Baron Scarpia on May 20, 2009 - 1:05 am
I’m currently studying for professional examinations. Every minute that can be spent on revision is precious.
#6 by Nathan Shumate on May 20, 2009 - 5:39 am
So download in the background and watch ’em all next week or something.
Onion, that’s what I was thinking about. Any sort of P2P can be a lot of trouble for an obscure title, but there’s no problem with availability (or getting stuck at 98%) with RS and MU links.
#7 by Read MacGuirtose on May 20, 2009 - 7:56 am
Wait… didn’t you, a while back, reprimand another Cabal member for frivolous use of the “Sock-Hunting” tag? Is there a footwear connection to this post that I’m missing, or have you given up and decided to allow “Sock-Hunting” to become the miscellaneous catch-all category it seemed to be heading toward?
#8 by Nathan Shumate on May 20, 2009 - 8:18 am
That’s odd; I didn’t intentionally designate this with “sock-hunting.” One of youse other B-Masters guys playing a trick on me?
Well, just to make the category relevant:

#9 by Baron Scarpia on May 21, 2009 - 12:53 am
watch ‘em all next week or something.
I wish I could.
Five weeks to go…