The Brain that Wouldn't DieOK, so five years ago at B-Fest I finally met the amazing Jessica Ritchey in person. Many of our readers probably remember her pithy reviews for The Agony Booth. I told Jessica that any time she wanted to contribute a guest review to, I’d be honored to run it.

And Jessica did send me a review. That, apparently, was the cue for me to leave my brain soaking in a pan in the basement… and I left it there so long I forgot I don’t even have a basement. It wasn’t until The Brain that Wouldn’t Die came up in the comments today that the re-animated monster of memory broke through the cellar door of my subconscious. And lit a fire under me.

So here it is, at long long last: Jessica’s account of the movie that was her gateway drug to B-movie depravity. Enjoy!