Intercesspool, Rise!

Posted on December 25, 2010
Secret Santa's Revenge

Intercessor: Another Rock 'n' Roll NightmareWearing out its welcome like a Christmas tree in mid-February — or a visiting in-law whose flight back home has been cancelled — here’s the follow-up to my Secret Santa roundtable entry:

Intercessor: Another Rock ‘n’ Roll Nightmare

This is all Andrew’s fault, though he may try and deny it. Still, I’d like to think there’s a little extra misery in this movie that spreads, like a nasty winter cold from a shared cup of wassail, to all my fellow B-Masters. This is, after all, the only film that Ken Begg ever sent back to Amazon as being just… too… dreadful. Also, if you’ve read Nathan Shumate’s book The Golden Age of Crap — and if you haven’t, what’s keeping you? — you’ll remember from his review of Robot Ninja that he used to work in the comic illustration field; so I can’t wait to horrify him with the ineptitude of the comic-book illustrations… which are used not only to pad out the action, but to substitute for entire major characters! It’s a Holiday Crapnucopia!

Space Gods help us, every one!

Categories: New Reviews

3 Responses

  1. Naomi:

    When one side is playing chess, and the other is playing checkers, it’s really hard to tell which of them is going to win the World Cup.

    I could swear I’ve seen this line before, but it’s still hilarious. And that mastiff is clearly the best hellhound heckdoggy ever. Did they at least dub some snarling or otherworldly howls over that footage?

    25.12.2010 18:19 Reply

  2. Braineater:

    a.) Oh, I probably filched that line from somebody somewhere, probably one of my fellow B-Masters… something about this movie really sucks all the originality out of you.

    b.) I don’t remember if there were any overdubs. I think I must have been laughing too hard to notice.

    c.) Statement A is 6 words too long.

    25.12.2010 22:13 Reply

  3. KeithA:

    I believe this movie was made purely to make the original look that much better

    06.01.2011 11:29 Reply

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