Archive for July, 2014

Rabukurafuto Guessed It.

Hands of the Ripper (1971), in which Red Jack’s daughter is almost as big a pain in the ass as he was…

Münchhausen (1943), in which not all wartime propaganda films look like wartime propaganda films…

Night of the Living Dead (1990), in which you better believe they remembered the copyright notice this time…


Wheels of Terror (1990), in which you might as well just watch Duel and The Car again instead, were it not for one curious thing.


El Santo rules the wasteland-- and also 1000 Misspent Hours and Counting.

Everybody’s working on the weekend

Weekend WarriorsThe comedy Weekend Warriors was the first movie Bert Convy directed. It doesn’t take long upon watching it to find out why it was also the last.

Keith Bailey is the proprietor of The Unknown Movies Page.

How much do I hate doing housework?

So much, I would rather watch an Arthur Askey movie.

So much, I would rather watch nose-wrestling.

So much, I would rather re-watch Murders In The Zoo without fast-forwarding through the Charlie Ruggles scenes.



So—a couple of resurrected reviews for you (because if I have to suffer through them, so do you):




And having at last gotten my hands on a replacement copy of MURDERS IN THE ZOO (1933), I have fixed up the screenshots. (Oh, don’t worry—I didn’t take the snakes away!)







Liz Kingsley is the insane genius behind And You Call Yourself a Scientist!

Plant this in your DVD player

The Tamarind SeedIf you are looking for a movie with romance and intrigue, The Tamarind Seed is a pretty safe bet, with its two lead actors at the top of their game.

Keith Bailey is the proprietor of The Unknown Movies Page.

What a Travolting development

Eyes Of An AngelOne of a number of movies John Travolta made while struggling to make a comeback, Eyes Of An Angel is so wrong-headed in so many ways that you have to wonder about the quality of the proposed projects Travolta passed on in favor of making this one.

(NOTE: Apologies for recent Unknown Movies web site problems. I am working on a solution. Until then, if you can’t access the web site, try again a few minutes later.)

Keith Bailey is the proprietor of The Unknown Movies Page.

Little Devils and Deadly Dames

Hooray, it’s update time! A couple articles salvaged from the past and spruced up for 2009 or so.

featConsider that Deadlier that the Male opens with legendary Elke Sommer skydiving from a jet seconds before she blows it up, plunging into the water to be picked up by another European beauty, Sylvia Koscina (from the first two Hercules films, among others), in a skimpy bikini. Seconds later, both bikini-clad women emerge from the ocean and find a man lounging on his seaside patio, whom they promptly impale with a shot from a spear gun. Now that is how you get the viewer’s attention.
droutde Richleau spirits Simon away. It’s difficult to say whether or not he rescues or kidnaps the young man, since we’re unsure whether or not Simon was dabbling in the black arts of his own free will or because he was under the spell of local occult bigwig Mocata (Charles Gray, probably most recognizable as the narrator from The Rocky Horror Picture Show). Eventually, the film leans toward “under the spell,” but the whole thing seems very fuzzy, which allows the viewer to interpret the movie either as a straightforward “good versus evil” tale or a more subversive look at the subjugation of free will and intellectual curiosity at the hands of the ruling elite.
Keith Allison is the chief Bacchanologist at Teleport City.

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