I always enjoy an all-over-the-map update after one as narrowly focused as last month’s:
Beast from Haunted Cave (1959), in which the bank robbers were ready for anything except a monster…
Dracula (1973), in which I’m not sure how you arrive at the decision to cast a cowboy in decline as frigging Count Dracula, but that’s what Dan Curtis did…
Dune, Part One (2021), in which I’m insisting on that “Part One” precisely because the producers were so determined to downplay it…
Frankenstein (1973), in which Curtis does something even more radical than casting Jack Palance as Dracula: he makes a Frankenstein movie that more or less follows the book!
Halloween: Resurrection (2002), in which the second major timeline of the Halloween franchise reaches an ending even more ignominious than the first one’s…
Superchick (1973), in which she may have a secret identity, but her only superpower is polyamory…
What Have You Done to Solange? (1972), in which I saved the sleaziest for last with regard to my recent giallo binge.
El Santo rules the wasteland-- and also 1000 Misspent Hours and Counting.