Archive for August, 2023

Someone please fire a RPG at this RPG

RPGDespite the presence of Rutger Hauer, RPG (a.k.a. REAL PLAYING GAME) is still a science fiction film from Portugal that only succeeds in explaining why you’ve probably never seen a Portuguese movie before in your life.
Keith Bailey is the proprietor of The Unknown Movies Page.

Wilder napalm (bomb)

The World's Greatest LoverPerhaps Gene Wilder deciding to take on the herculean task of commanding four big roles with The World’s Greatest Lover – actor, writer, director, and producer – may explain why the end results are kind of messy and without that many laughs.
Keith Bailey is the proprietor of The Unknown Movies Page.

It’s The Unknown Movies’ 25th anniversary. Live with it.

CleanflixReligious supposed do-gooders doing no good when it comes to movies is the focus of Cleanflix, an occasionally uneven but never boring documentary.
Keith Bailey is the proprietor of The Unknown Movies Page.