Keith Bailey is the proprietor of The Unknown Movies Page.
May 16
Posted by Greywizard in New Reviews | 1 Comment
Another theater-heavy update for what’s shaping up to be a theater-heavy year, this time including reviews of a couple first-run films along with one last B-Fest straggler and something I caught in revival:
Delicatessen (1991), in which some French eccentrics see the funny side to the end of the world…
Demonic Toys (1992), in which one of Hell’s less competent devils tried to incarnate himself, but got stuck haunting a toy warehouse instead…
Dirty Ho (1979), in which a tricky prince blackmails a thief into becoming his bodyguard…
Dune, Part Two (2024), in which a messiah is the last thing you want running loose on your planet, even if you don’t belong to a clan of colonizing tyrants…
The Five Deadly Venoms (1978), in which murder mysteries play very differently when they’re resolved by frenetic kung fu fights…
Immaculate (2024), in which forcing a woman to carry a clone of Jesus is just as much a dick move as forcing her to mother the Antichrist.
El Santo rules the wasteland-- and also 1000 Misspent Hours and Counting.
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